About Anup Michu 

Writer, Director and Actor

A Spell Bound Performance or Naradji.com by Anup Michu

A Triplet Treat’ is what people call Anup Michu who a well known play wright, theater director and actor. A trail blazer who has set a benchmark of acting and improvisation through his unconventional, eccentric and electic style.

With 35 years of experience Anup Michu is an iconic name in Indian theater who has a quirky personality. This veteran actor has consistently been working on values thereby touching lives of people witnessing his shows.

Stage has always been Anup Michu’s true and first love ever since he first performed on stage 35 years back and this wide experience is truly reflected in his well polished and effortless performance. For Anup Michu doing theater is living life and this is visible in his performance and writing of ‘Naradji.com